July 11th, 2024
The Flood Watch issued on July 9th, 2024, has been downgraded to a Water Safety Statement.
Weather Forecast: SNC’s climate stations received between 30 and 50 mm of rain between Tuesday and Thursday morning and rainy conditions are expected to end Thursday afternoon.
Environmental Conditions: Water levels and flows remain elevated and are expected to decrease in the coming days.
Risks: All rivers and streams across the jurisdiction may experience higher water levels, fast flowing water and slippery or unstable banks.
ACTION: Residents are advised to exercise extreme caution when near rivers and waterbodies due to high river flows and slippery conditions. Parents are encouraged to explain these dangers to their children.
Residents in flood prone or low-lying areas, historically susceptible to flooding, should take the necessary precautions to protect their property. Please ensure:
• Sump pump is clear, in good working condition and has a backwater valve on it.
• Easy access to portable backup generator and pump.
• Downspouts are clear and the outlet is at least 3 m from the dwelling.
• Securing items that might float away as flows increase.
Duration: This water safety statement is in effect until July 15th, 2024, at 5 PM or until an update has been issued.
SNC monitors the water levels and weather forecasts as part of the Flood Forecasting and Warning Program. Updates are provided as conditions change.
Please visit www.nation.on.ca for more information. To provide feedback with respect to changes in water related conditions please email waterwatch@nation.on.ca, post on our Facebook (/SouthNationConservation) or Twitter (@SouthNationCA).
Phillip Dagenais, Water Resource Specialist, 1-877-984-2948, pdagenais@nation.on.ca.