Combine plowing field


The Municipality is hosting all of its procurement opportunities online through the bids & tenders platform. 
The Municipality reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotation.  The lowest quotation is not necessarily accepted.

Go to bids & tenders

Notice - Procurement through Local Authority Services

Notice - Procurement through Local Authority Services (2024)

TS24-05 - Colquhoun Bridge Replacement - Engineering ServicesPlease visit Bids & Tenders.May 3 
RFP No. PRF-08 Iroquois Beach Canteen Operation 2024 RFP (pdf)May 17Applicants shall reach out to the Municipality for an Application Form as per the Communications Notice.
TS24-07 Supply of GranularPlease visit Bids & Tenders.May 8 

Note: Iroquois Beach Canteen Operation applications must be submitted via email to, mail, or delivered to be Municipal Center.