Let’s continue to make the Municipality of South Dundas the best place to live! The Morrisburg Waterfront Sub-Committee is looking for volunteers to help bring the Earl Baker Park Multi-Use Pad project to life. There are several ways to contribute! Community Volunteers are needed to run fundraising events, support fundraising initiatives and be an ambassador for the project.
This Multi-use Pad will offer a wide variety of different sports using the same space, such as basketball, hockey, and pickle ball. The Multi-use Pad will “Bring our Community Together One Game at a Time” at this local recreation hub where everyone can take part in recreational leagues, tournaments and pickup games.
If you are interested in supporting this community project or would like more information about how you can get involved, please feel free to email Councillor Veinotte at cveinotte@southdundas.com or call the Municipal Centre at 613-543-2673.
Community Fundraising Event - NYE 2025 at the Morrisburg Legion
Come have a ball on New Year's Eve at the Morrisburg Legion. The Morrisburg Waterfront Sub-Committee and the Earl Baker Park Recreation Fundraising Team invite you to Game On 2025, a fun filled night in support of the Early Baker Park Recreation Fund. Come dressed in your best game day attire. For more information, and to buy tickets for the event check out the link below.